The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India (GoI) is taking Loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Urban Development and its Services delivery improvement for North Eastern States. The Program State Cities are Agartala (Tripura), Aizawl (Mizoram), Gangtok (Sikkim), Kohima (Nagaland) and Shillong (Meghalaya). The program envisaged basic Urban Service Development and its Services Improvement such as: Water Supply, Sewerage & Sanitations, Solid Waste Management, Institutional Development and Management Capacity Building etc. •Feasibility Study has been made on sectors performance, problems and opportunities for implementation of the Program during 2003-2008. After number of consultations/workshops with all the 5-State Government agencies responsible in providing urban services such as PWD for Roads, PHED for Water Supply & Sanitations, Solid Waste Management by LAD, Health Services, Markets by Trade & Commerce Department etc,.Considering its complexity in providing services delivery to the people of Aizawl City and lesson learned in the other States in implementing program, and Commitments by the State Governments (SG), the ADB Loan Appraisal Mission finally approved in January, 20009 by all the 5-State Government, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India and ADB. The ADB provides 3-Multi-tranch Financing Facility (MFF) for development of 5-North Eastern Region Capital Cities to be completed by June, 2016 which has been subsequently extended upto March 2022. 


The main objectives of the investment program are: 

•Providing City Development and facilitating themselves to sustain each North Eastern State Capital since being a part of the States of India

•Decentralization of power for Urban Administration by way of Municipalization in urban areas. 

•Establish Local Self Government/ULBs in line with 74th India Constitution Amendment Act and capacity development.

 •Establish and improve urban financing capacity for sustainability to provide its basic services. 


1)Water Supply:

•Improving water supply quality (Improved Water Quality). 

•Lengthening water supply duration at least to 12 hrs a day from 2hrs per 13 days and meeting 100% water demand. 

•Implementing reduction of NRW from 45% to minimum standard of 15% 

•To promote sustainability and O&M Cost recovery in water supply. 

2) Sewerage & Sanitation:

•Provide facility for collection and treatment of liquid waste. 

•Improve existing sanitation system of individual particularly septic tanks and soak pit and provision of community toilets with best technologies. 

•Provide assistance to State Government/Urban Local Bodies’/AMC in implementing sanitation regulations for sewerage improvement with modest/best practices. 

3) Solid Waste Resource Management:

•Improve existing management system and increase service coverage to more than 80% 

•Awareness campaign to promote understanding of best sanitations 

•Improve solid waste collection, transportation, treatment and disposal with best practices 

4) Urban Institutional Development & Capacity Building: 

Reform the State Government functionaries, establish Local Self Government/ULB’s and transfer urban functions to LG/ULBs in line with the 74th CAA. 

Migration of Double Entry Accounting System for ULBs Introduce Property Tax as per modest Unit Area Method oUtility Reforms-Introduce volumetric water charges and collection of User’s charges oIdentification/Establish Scope for Private Sectors Participation oImplement Reduction of NRW on Water Supply oProvide E-governance mechanism