1. Background Information
1 The Government of India has taken loan to implement an investment program to improve urban conditions in North Eastern Region capital cities, namely, Agartala, Aizawl, Gangtok, Kohima and Shillong. The expected impact of the Investment Program is improved environment and well-being of urban residents in the five capital cities. The expected outcomes of the Investment Program will be an increased access to better urban services for the 1.5 million people expected to be living in the Investment Program cities by the 2014.To this end, the Project will (i) improve urban infrastructure and services, (ii) strengthen urban institutions for better service delivery build project management and implementation capacity.
2 The Project will comprise two parts: Part A will cover urban infrastructure and services improvement including the rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of (i) water supply, (ii) sewerage and sanitation, and (iii) solid waste management. Part B will cover Investment Program management and implementation support and a comprehensive capacity building assistance to support the accomplishment of the urban institutional and financial reform agenda, and enhance planning, operation and maintenance (O&M), revenue mobilization, and financial management capabilities of service providers.
3 In Aizawl, the Project will specifically support water supply source augmentation, rehabilitation and expansion of the water distributions system – namely source augmentation, treatment plant, storage, transmission and secondary distribution systems – and comprehensive non-revenue water (NRW) program, which will include installation or replacement of bulk water meters as well as a leak detection program for rehabilitation and strengthening of the existing distribution network. In addition the program will also support the Government in (i) improving sanitation facilities, including sewerage and sewage treatment in most congested and also Septage Management and (ii) developing solid waste management facilities, including composting facilities, an engineered landfills site, improvements to primary and secondary collection as well beneficiary awareness.
2. Overall Scope of Work
4 The work under this design and supervision consultancy for the investment program in Aizawl will consist of (a) conducting necessary surveys, investigations and tests, (b) technical appraisal of subprojects and updating preliminary designs (if deemed necessary), (c) detailed engineering designs/review of design, (d) construction supervision and contract monitoring, (e) Monitoring safeguard Measure and Preparation and Monitoring Project Performance Monitoring System (PPMS).
5 The assignment will be structured in Tranches, which will largely correspond to each of the tranches under implementation. The assignment has been structured to ensure that whilst designs may be completed in advance, supervision matches each of the tranche releases under the investment program. The work under Tranche 1 has been completed. Procurement under Tranche 2 has been completed and execution is in progress.
Table 1 – Proposed contract responsibilities and resource structure
I. Design Review and Construction Supervision on the following activities: |
Water Supply |
UFW Program |
Dedicated 132kV power line |
Construction of replacement/new reservoirs |
Replacement and augmentation of primary network |
Replacement and augmentation of secondary network |
Source augmentation including intake and treatment plant |
Preparation of Aizawl City water Management Plan |
Sewerage |
Construction of primary network |
Construction of secondary network |
Construction of a 10 MLD sewage treatment plant |
Installation of 3600 HH connections |
Solid Waste Management |
Provision of primary collection equipment |
Provision of secondary collection equipment |
Construction of a 50MTD compost plant |
Construction of 1 sanitary landfill site |
Construction of transfer station |
Procurement of machinery for the above |
Septage Management |
II. Environmental Studies, Land acquisition and Resettlement on the following Sub-Projects: |
Water Supply |
Solid Waste Management |
Sewerage |
III. Community Awareness Program on the following Sub-Projects: |
Solid Waste Management |
Water and Sewerage Tariffs |
IV. Compost Studies |
V. Non-Revenue Water Reduction Program |
VI. Power and Water Audits |
VII. Program Performance Monitoring System |
VIII. MIS/M&E program |
IX. Baseline |
X. Operational Manuals on the following Sub-Projects: |
Water Supply |
Solid Waste Management |
Sewerage |
Overview of the Design/Design Review and Supervision Engineering Services
General tasks of the team include:
(i) assist the project director with the day-to-day implementation of contracts and Project activities;
(ii) coordinate planning, control, and management of the work of a multidisciplinary team;
(iii) develop implementation schedules and resource requirements;
(iv) monitor progress, evaluate results, and identify and resolve constraints;
(v) provide long-term input to the development of project methodologies;
(vi) evaluate demand and establish criteria to meet demand;
(vii) identify appropriate technologies and the need for standardization of equipment and materials;
(viii) assist project managers in carrying out detail investigation and engineering surveys (geotechnical, topographical, bathymetric etc), wherever necessary;
(ix) assist the project team designing/design review and undertaking construction supervision water supply, sewerage and sewage treatment and solid waste management schemes;
(x) assist the project director in presenting of the designs/design review to all stakeholders (including local government and communities), addressing their concerns where necessary;
(xi) assist the project director in developing bidding documents, including bill of quantities and specifications following ADB’s guidelines and assist in evaluation of bids;
(xii) update costs and economic and financial information (including rates of return), when needed;
(xiii) prepare and update implementation schedule and resource requirements (preferably in Microsoft Project Management);
(xiv) define quality control mechanisms and parameters for subprojects/components;
(xv) assist the Project director in supervising all construction activities under the Project, including liaison with the other teams under the Project and other donor financed projects, and community development team;
(xvi) develop and implement a quality assurance program for all works, securing compliance with design/standards;
(xvii) assist the project directors in supervising day-to-day construction management;
(xviii) develop O&M manuals for future maintenance;
(xix) prepare asset registry for all assets built under the Project;
(xx) establish a contract tracking systems, including implementation schedules and milestones achievable;
(xxi) assist the SIPMIU in issuing contract completion certificates, settlement of contractor’s claims;
- assist the SIPMIU during Project missions;
(xxiii) assist the SIPMIU in the preparation of Project guidelines;
(xiv) Prepare training programmes for effective implementation and O&M including Training Module, Training Plans and organize and conduct same through consultant’s staff and other service delivery institutions
10 The DCSM will be specifically concerned with assisting (i) the review of designs as well as any other DPRs or related detailed engineering designs; (ii) the preparation/review of detailed engineering designs and providing construction supervision for all water supply, sanitation and solid waste management scheme components; (iii) the review of designs to be prepared by Bidders; (iv) construction supervision to ensure the necessary standards are duly met. These schemes and the scope of work falling under the Supervising Engineers responsibility have been presented under Table 1 above.
11 The consultants will develop and implement a computer-based project implementation plan, critical paths, resource maps. All reports required will be produced based on these systems. The consultants will coordinate with other consultants, if any, under the Project and with other similar donor and government assisted projects.
12 The consultant will review the feasibility report with SIPMIU staff and prepare an Inception Report which should include the related works and details of the program of works which the consultant proposes to implement. Overall scope of works will include:
- Assist SIPMIU in the review of the design for proposed (a) water scheme (storage, transmission distribution and source augmentation), (b) sewerage and (c) solid waste management including all necessary design review, drawings and schedules, as well as indicative bills of quantities, specifications including commissioning specifications and on-site training for plant operation maintenance by contractors.
- Assist SIPMIU staff carrying out detailed investigations and engineering surveys including water testing and engineering surveys (soils, topography etc).
- Prepare a full hydrological network model for water distribution zoning (with CAD or other relevant computer package) and studies for water and sewerage components, which are, wherever relevant, to be based on data collected over a 12-month period.
- Confirm the scope of provision of equipment for plant and equipment and review proposed specifications for the plant and equipment (E&M, vacuum tankers etc) for all 3 subsectors.
- Assist SIPMIU staff conducting review of detailed engineering designs as per Table 1, including all source augmentation, transmission and distribution networks, storage systems for water; sewerage network and treatment plant; and compost, landfill and other solid waste management facilities.
- The Consultant shall facilitate the dialogue with Central and State Government and ULB agencies.
- The Consultant shall support the SIPMIU in obtaining required EIAs, compliance with resettlement requirements and any other regulatory or permits.
- Assist SIPMIU staff reviewing designs prepared by bidders, including those that relate to primary and secondary distribution/collection and sewage treatment.
- Check that the contractors’ proposals are in agreement with all environmental and social safeguards requirements.
- Assist in bid evaluation.
Construction Supervision and Commissioning. The consultant shall assist the SIPMIU staff carry out all the duties normally associated with supervision of construction. This will include but is not limited to checking contractors’ insurances/ guarantees/ bonds; the review of contractors’ process and M&E designs and any necessary modifications to the construction drawings; attending and reporting on factory tests and inspections; agreeing commissioning procedures and supervising commissioning. The consultant shall establish any necessary field laboratories for quality control or arrange for such services to be provided by acceptable Institutions.
The consultant shall
- Assist the SIPMIU staff supervising and assure quality of implementation of the urban schemes.
- Assist the SIPMIU staff supervising all construction activities under the Project and the implementation of the environmental management plan as required.
- Co-ordinate interfaces between contracts and clients.
- Support SIPMIU with contract management and recommendation for payments.
- Develop and implement a quality assurance program for all works.
Agree and prepare contractor’s certificates; resolve any disputes and provide all necessary support for claims resolution and arbitration proceedings.
6. Overall Scope of Management Services
Overall scope of work can be defined as follows:
- Set up systems and procedures for Project management, implementation and monitoring of the progress,
- Assist SIPMIU in preparing annual work plans, staffing schedules, job descriptions, and, as necessary, budgets including equipment budgets, and detailed implementation schedule
- Assist SIPMIU in reviewing an overall Investment Program Performance Monitoring System (IPPMS) for the Program prepared by the previous DSMC and ensure that the necessary independent inputs are in place when and where required;
- Assist SIPMIU in operating the IPPMS and in monitoring the physical progress with urban infrastructure components as well as the progress with the implementation of the Urban Governance, Finance, and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan and the loan covenants; and with the SIPMIU, ensure the effective and timely delivery of the program outputs as well as the Urban Governance, Finance, and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan and the loan covenants.
- Prepare on behalf of SIPMIU required Investment Program and project progress reports, and submit timely reports to the Government and ADB on physical progress, financial progress, and progress on implementing Urban Governance, Finance, and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan and the loan covenants, highlighting impediments to the quality and progress of the works and remedial actions,
- Assist the SIPMIU and IPCC in establishing, testing and reviewing financial accounting and control systems and ensuring accurate and timely report submissions and funds flow from the ADB and onwards to the implementing agencies;
- Provide overall guidance to the various capacity building experts in order to ensure that their work support the implementation of the Urban Governance, Finance, and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan, Water Utility Reform Action Pan and associated covenants and their time frames
- Prepare and/or amend, existing procedures and guidelines for site supervision and quality control to include guidelines and detailed job descriptions for engineers and site supervisors.
- Support the SIPMIU in technical matters such as preparing work orders for the design consultants; reviewing and approving surveys, studies and master plans; sub-program final designs, construction drawings and estimates; pre/post-qualification of contractors; approving contractors’ works; ensuring sound supervision and quality control of sub-program construction and any other technical matters arising;
- Assist the SIPMU with all aspects of procurement including pre/ post qualification of contractors, tender document review and bid evaluation;
- Review construction supervision of the DSC including quality, cost and time controls;
- Assist the SIPMIU in other tasks as assigned to it by the EA.
In addition, the consultants should
- Support Empowered Committee in the preparation of (i) munipalization situational assessments; (ii) municipal corporation and capacity development and resource programs plans and (iii) time-bound action plans for devolving functions to the muncipalities in a phased manner.
- Support the preparation of a separate program for the establishment of a separate agency (water circle) responsible for water in Aizawl city, considering the need for a modern and efficient structure and management systems.